
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Deadmau5 Part:1

       Deadmau5, I hate you. I love Ghosts n Stuff, Some Chords, and Ghosts n Stuff Hard Intro, but I really do loath your existance. I read somewhere that in person, you are self centered and believe yourself to be better than everyone else just because you're a little famous (and i use the words "a little famous" with hesitation, because lets face it, you're not that famous). I know that the words I'm about to metaphorically stain paper with, are those which cause uproars, but it really is true when I say, "You stole everything about yourself from Daft Punk and reworked it a little so people wouldn't call you out on it." But really, thousands of people have called you out on it, and the sad thing is you know its true. I told it right to you on facebook, and you blocked me from further commenting and deleted the comment, because the world shouldn't know about you, if they did they would leave you.
       But of course I can't go on raging about you without giving some proof. First coincidence is the similarities in your musical style, which in itself is not a problem. In fact if you were more original then I would probably love you since I do like your style of music. But the sad fact is that it will cause people to compare you to others with a similar musical style (cough* cough* Daft Punk...). And that is where it all begins, because with that comparison arises many of the less than coincidental similarities between the two of you. And it's this comparison that also points out the quality issues in your work when compared to Daft Punk.
       Now I suppose the first "more than just a similarity" between you and Daft Punk is the use of helmets. Daft Punk were the only group to insist on wearing helmets and keeping their identities secret. This is one of the things that makes them so great, their secrecy. You however are the second to wear a helmet of some sort, and while you do have a rather different helmet, it serves the same purpose, and since you are the only two groups in the world to use them, it instantly makes you seem the copy. What's dissappointing though is that when you compare the two, you see the terribly large difference in quality. Daft Punk had their helmets crafted by professional movie prop makers, while in comparison, it looks like you build the mau5heads yourself using craft supplies (im sure that comment will upset someone). But to back up my point I give you the following photos: (And yes that photo is real, it was taken from deadmau5's facebook page.) To be continued...


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